Home Occupational Testing Medical Students & MacEwan Employee N95 Testing

Medical Students & MacEwan Employee N95 Testing

Respirator fit testing is for MacEwan employees & Alberta post-secondary student only.

Testing location: City Centre Campus, 10800-105 Ave (room 8-203).
  • Check the whiteboard at the top of the stairs for information.

⚠️Cancellation & Transfer Policy:
  • Withdrawal / transfer deadline: 7 full days before the test day (test date not included).
  • Full refund / transfer prior to withdrawal / transfer cutoff date
  • No refund / transfer after the withdrawal / transfer cutoff date without medical documentation. Missed tests or no shows will not be refunded - no exception.

Paid parking on campus is in effect.

Respirator User Health Screening Form is required. Individuals who have not completed the form will not be able to participate in their testing session & will need to re-register at personal cost.
  • Students & Non-MacEwan Employees: Complete this form.
  • MacEwan Employees: Complete this form

Medical Clearance: If you answer “yes” to any health conditions in section D of the form, you will need to provide medical clearance in writing from a healthcare practitioner prior to your fit test. This documentation must be provided to the tester upon arrival for your test.

Note: A respirator is provided for the test. MacEwan employees will be tested for the respirator available in their department. We are currently fit testing the 3M1870+, 3M1860, 3M1860s, 3M1804, KC46827, KC46727, DTC3Z, and 3M8210 respirators for medical students and staff.

🛑MacEwan Employees must call the Welcome Desk to register (780-497-5300, option 2). DO NOT register online.



☀️ Medical Students and MacEwan Employee N95 Fit Testing

ID: 11221
Price: $50.00
Spaces: 0
30 Jul 2024
Day Start End Instructor Location
Tuesday 5:00 PM 5:30 PM Not specified 8-203

☀️ Medical Students and MacEwan Employee N95 Fit Testing

ID: 11222
Price: $50.00
Spaces: 0
30 Jul 2024
Day Start End Instructor Location
Tuesday 5:30 PM 6:00 PM Not specified 8-203

☀️ Medical Students and MacEwan Employee N95 Fit Testing

ID: 11223
Price: $50.00
Spaces: 0
30 Jul 2024
Day Start End Instructor Location
Tuesday 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Not specified 8-203

☀️ Medical Students and MacEwan Employee N95 Fit Testing

ID: 11224
Price: $50.00
Spaces: 0
30 Jul 2024
Day Start End Instructor Location
Tuesday 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Not specified 8-203

☀️ Medical Students and MacEwan Employee N95 Fit Testing

ID: 11225
Price: $50.00
Spaces: 0
30 Jul 2024
Day Start End Instructor Location
Tuesday 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Not specified 8-203

☀️ Medical Students and MacEwan Employee N95 Fit Testing

ID: 11226
Price: $50.00
Spaces: 0
13 Aug 2024
Day Start End Instructor Location
Tuesday 5:00 PM 5:30 PM Not specified 8-203

☀️ Medical Students and MacEwan Employee N95 Fit Testing

ID: 11227
Price: $50.00
Spaces: 0
13 Aug 2024
Day Start End Instructor Location
Tuesday 5:30 PM 6:00 PM Not specified 8-203

☀️ Medical Students and MacEwan Employee N95 Fit Testing

ID: 11228
Price: $50.00
Spaces: 0
13 Aug 2024
Day Start End Instructor Location
Tuesday 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Not specified 8-203

☀️ Medical Students and MacEwan Employee N95 Fit Testing

ID: 11229
Price: $50.00
Spaces: 0
13 Aug 2024
Day Start End Instructor Location
Tuesday 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Not specified 8-203

☀️ Medical Students and MacEwan Employee N95 Fit Testing

ID: 11230
Price: $50.00
Spaces: 0
13 Aug 2024
Day Start End Instructor Location
Tuesday 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Not specified 8-203